My Experience with Chronic Forearm pain (open to feedback)
Ugliest NPC?
When your Target dosen't move But you don't have a Sieker
The Worst and Best Hitman Game?
Perfect run ruined in an instant.. should have let him in the toilet and call it a day lol
Warning: this image contains high levels of YAME YAME
Was scrolling on the sub and saw this and thought,Why is hitman the only surviving stealth game in the stealth genre
Chronic phisical pain, mental issues, Suicide thoughts.
Go crazy
Guess my profession based on my hand
Some of my free merch from Rockstar
Anybody know where I can find these in good quality? I think they would make great wallpapers
Which fog floor looks better, grey or white? I can't decide..
How can a game look this good?
Liberty City Preservation Project paired with the right mods is the IV remaster we needed
last round: „horrible person - hated by fans“
Everyone living Pain/disability free Virtual world
Surgery tomorrow morning
This poster at the theatre in GTA V
So... the streamer who stayed awake 12 days reveals he got brain damage for basically zero clout 🤷
I tried to fight this
What's your take on the game preventing you from pull out a gun in certain locations?
does this count
This guy is going to be in charge of medicare.