Absolute W from Goodwill
It's a creature feature movie night tonight.
My only pickup this week. I completely forgot this game exists.
Recent pick ups
Today's Grabs
The blood sucking Brady Bunch.
I picked up loose copy of super metroid a few days ago, and today a friend of mine gifted me the manual. A little rough on the outside, but it's pretty clean inside.
Movie night is going to "suck".
Mute Witness (1995)
Where would you rank Halloween III in the Halloween Franchises?
Well I didn't expect to pick up all fighting games today, but here we are...
Finally got my hands on a copy!
Never had my own cart as a kid, just played my cousins copy growing up. Today is a good day!
Don Juan Pond is a tiny shallow pond in Antarctica that never freezes. This is due to its salt content being 44%, making it the saltiest known natural body of water on the entire planet.
What is your favorite comedy of all time?
Creeping up on 20 years after its release, is the 09 Friday the 13th remake a film that’s works for you?
8/10 these All dressed chips did not fall off a wall
What's the best horror movie poster of all time?
To this day, Battlefield 1 remains my all time favorite FPS, and sits in my top 10 favorite games ever made.
Will This Play in the US?
Literally started breaking mid wedding
Hopefully this is better than the Dr. Pepper blackberry.
Tonight's viewing: Legend (1985)
It ain’t too impressive but I like what I have!
Saturday pickups