Use this as a time capsule to see your comment in (hopefully) 5 years.
I have 107,000 coins and 60 days to use them. Who wants an award?
I can't quite actually believe it that Southern India fan culture for celebrities is so disgusting. This is absolute savagery. And I am totally sure that general people over there themselves must be hating all this.
What is (in) this?
Why are people so rude to female drivers?
Your daily dose of welcoming bengaluru
Kannada words we would want all visitors coming to Bangalore to know?
Cats being cats😼
it do be like that
My dear Hindi speaking brothers and sisters
What can you buy for $1 in your country?
According to you, who is the sexiest human to ever live?
My biggest CountryBall artwork! Rate it 1-10 (be honest pls)
This guy uses an analog breath controller to play a virtual saxophone for the first time and really rocks it.
This guy uses an analog breath controller to play a virtual saxophone.
couple of jellyfish larvae
What car is this?
No beautiful people ever visit this place, so you're welcome!
My car may not be the fastest but, she’s the most beautiful at the cruise tonight
I saw at the doctor's office and was wondering what kind is she
What are your top 5 shows?
Being a Kpop Fan in India
does anyone know if the [hot wheels Camaro] actually a thing
Can anyone figure out what car this model is based on?
Jumping through a cloud