Hear me out everyone
Ok hear me out
Bugged Flag mission, have to wait for time to run out
[TOMT] [late 00's-mid 10's live action show] Daughter runs away from home to be with love interest, wakes up in motel bathtub one night abandoned
Fellow American Sleep Token fans. Do you sing along with a British accent? Lol. I find myself doing it a lot
Are allies welcome?
Term for flipping a flag upside down to disrepect?
Porting save file from one host to another? With the same profile
The way people teach voice lessons doesn't click for me. Is there an alternative?
Is this... even possible?
Armor bug or new primal fear unlocked?
What's the name for this part of a boom arm called? I need to replace it
Edited version of song on playlist only plays edited version on "video", "song" plays the original. Any way to fix it?
My ð is bigger than your ð
Describe your last shit only using System of a Down song titles
What's your 'punch to the gut' song?
What ST song was it that made you go, "Damn, these guys are GOOD."?
If you had a tribute band of ST, how would you name it?
Curious what lines make everyone ascend
Sleep Token reminds me of the cultists from Escape From Tarkov
Weird that nobody posted this yet
Transphobia is okay because I witnessed some of 9/11
Every comrade should have the opportunity to partake of the boof
I cosplayed as Vessel at a Convention :)