Family Photo
Lifetime TV orders new sorority recruitment unscripted series
Step son discovered velcro sticks to Rory
The Shorkie Snorkel
We Have A New Banner & Monthly Avatar Representative(s)
New to Dallas, big plans to eat - restaurant recommendations welcome 🙏
help Dot Run Again
Favorite Disney Desserts
Evening dress, 1807 – 1810, crepe georgette, sequins, metal tape, ribs; gold woven, embroidered
Waiting By My Side
Princess Diana and Clint Eastwood. (1985)
"Palmyre" Evening dress by Christian Dior Autumn Winter 1952-1953 Acetate and cellulose satin by Robert Perrier, embroidery of lame thread, pearls, sequins and rhinestones by Ginesty.
Happy Valentine’s Day from Tinkerbell!
How big is your Shorkie?
My maternal grandfather with his mother and siblings on his wedding day before leaving for church, 1947.
Here’s my Shorkie Maverick!
Best $90 I ever spent in my life.
Reba hates mornings.
Initiation Dress Question
Last Picture of The Pups
Help me find an old lady name for this sweet puppy
Miss Sohee SS25 Couture collection
Puppies 🐶