I‘m scared of this post 👀
If you could name the seasons, what are your ideal?
Sad because I probably won't live to see SA Book 10:
Lost Question to Eko?
Alpha beasts - bear, leopard. wolf or lion?
Not Entzug Kaladin
Finished the Witcher WH NG+ (safe to say I’ll redo it in a year or two) and ready to dive into AC Odyssey for the first time. Looking for any advice, something you wish you knew before starting or before it was too late.
Which of these 3 horses did you choose when you started the game?
Oh my god I did it
Beginning of Words of Radiance…damn
Question about season 6 episode 14 (spoiler obviously)
I usually don‘t like Videogame to Movie adaptations. But The Last of Us might be better than the game.
Brandon I can’t remember all your interludes.
Is days gone a good story? And is it worth to platinum?
Damned the Internet
Question: End of Way of Kings?
What if they just stayed at the house?
Adolin vs Kaladin?
Will it be explained what is Happening to shallan?
I need a fun game to Platinum without needing a complicated guide or grind.
Favorit Lost Season? And least favorite?
Is the Platinum for Until Dawn PS4 the same as for the Ps5 Remastered version or do the trophies differ?
I know it has its flaws but I am still sticking to Lost being the best show
How good is the Way of King?