[BT-21 World Convergence] Elizamon
Link Rules Summary - from Bandai Social Media
The parallels man...
Meme about Vrains manga
i made dis (gallantmon amplified)
Give Creati a new hero name!
Wanted to do something a little different, but still wanted to make powers for fun lol
Holy Gallantmoj Batman!
i made dis (black wargreymon amplified)
You can't just barge in here! [OC]
It can't be that their opinions aren't as broad or popular as they think it is. Has to be a conspiracy!!!!
Don't worry. I also love Al Yankovic.
What's the first game you think of when you see this logo?
Favorite character that resembles someone from IRL without actually being them
How am I supposed to distinguish between this fire and that fire during a team fight??
I joked about this ending up on r/memesopdidnotlike on the original r/onejoke post. Also the "I still identify as your boy/girlfriend" joke was not funny in the slightest.
I, too, Can’t Read
[BT-21 World Convergence] Shoutmon
Y’all know this, pick 5, I’ll make a power for you
I mean I think we can all agree that its froakie and torchic
Choose 2 and I Will Make You A Superpower
chain of liberation luck?
What’s your favorite set?
Give (or draw) me a meme that includes your favorite character