Is it strange to leave a gift for a tenant moving in?
Being judged at gym prevents wife going
Help with odors no matter what I use
Brittany costume
If you are driving to the hospital in an emergency, and police tried to pull you over, do you stop?
AITA for not cleaning my sister in law after she got sick drunk.
So how common is making $40/hr, and driving a Mercedes Benz here?
What is a fragrance that everyone loves but you don’t like at all?
Where to get a good Bahn mi with exceptional pork?
So this happened on the corner of Carlisle and Chapel
Brunswick People be careful around Holtom Crest West/ Capital City Trail
Me 24 m and my girlfriend 26 f fought over presents.
What fragrance/fragrances did you buy yourself this Christmas?
Which fragrance are you wearing today to celebrate the holidays?
My fiancé (26M) kicked me (23F) four times in the chest. Why…?
my asian mum made this for the in-laws this Christmas, but they hated it
Is there a problem with saying "Happy Holidays"?
She refused to pay.
Foundation match help!
Have I uncovered a Mecca pricing conspiracy?
What?! McoBeauty
Poor planning from PTV. Major event (Dom Dolla x Solomun) at The Woolshed at West Footscray on Sunday and only low capacity replacement buses running after the event due to works. Photo explains the chaos.
My boyfriend wants a threesome but i am hesitant . What can i do? (27m) (24f)
Is Red Energy trying to Rip me off?!
My (21F) boyfriend (21M) wants to break up with me if I don't become religious. What can I do?