Baablu X Block Wars teams Announced
BW16 Team Predictions (With Explanations!)
What are some really random duos you would like to see?
My apology to Wolfeei
BW15 Predictions
What New Communities Do You Want to See In BW?
Block Wars 15 Team Averages
BW15 Day 2 Prediction Guide
BW15 Day 2 Preds (With Explanations)
Finalized BW15 Predictions (With Explanations)
Final list of most wanted newcomers, and my analysis of it.
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January and 2 days in February (Final Day)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January and two days in February (Day 30)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 29)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 28)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 27)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 26)
Initial Block Wars 15 Predictions (with explanations)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 25)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 24)
Block Wars 14 Predictions
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 23)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 22)
Adding the most wanted newcomer to the list (almost) every day in January (Day 21)