Wanting early removal
Guys, my ortho suggested braces over invisalign.
Progress check
He helped save my mom today
I can comfortably do 10 pulls ups on the pull up bar at my gym, but with my friends pull up bar at his house (see image), I can barely do 4. Any idea on what might be going on?
I asked him to iron my clothes
[Misc] My 2-month old scar has been giving me stress and mental health problems, constantly checking the mirror. I realized the choice is either to be anxious for the rest of my life or embrace it.
Journeyman electrician
Just quit meth, tryna live forever now I guess 😅
Why is she so addicted to the bin?
16 months into the treatment. Feeling so good coz finally I don't have crooked teeth but kinda feel awkward about those gaps.. Can the orthodontist do something to give me a fuller smile?
10/10 loaf
Just noticed sparks while connecting my Macbook to my screens. Interestingly this only happens at home and not at the office.
There's something wrong with my loaf
I told him he can’t sit on the counter when guests are here.
Imagine being this lucky
I shook my empty cup with ice in it
What kind of rubber bands are yall using
orange is the impostor
Blurry picture of a cat
help pls im having a panic attack rn
Je dois rester une nuit entière dans les rues de Paris
Acting like they have never seen me before in their entire lives
They are born this way, stupid from the very beginning.
Help me name her second kitty 11 weeks