Belize 🇧🇿, Mexico 🇲🇽, and Peru 🇵🇪: How did you fix this issue? Dutch farmers are destroying the rainforest in Suriname🇸🇷 – what is happening here? Drug cartels, Sexual Assaults, and Deforestation.
Boeren van Nederlandse afkomst verwoesten het regenwoud in Suriname🇸🇷 wat gebeurt hier? Drugskartels, Verkrachtingen en Ontbossing.🔪
Nederlandse boeren verwoesten het regenwoud in Suriname🇸🇷 – wat gebeurt hier? Drugskartels, Aanrandingen en Ontbossing.
Bajans 🇧🇧and Caribbean people😎 when are we taxing these Expats??
Russia, 🇷🇺Suriname🇸🇷 are drafting military🪖- technical cooperation agreements - Lavrov
What country would you choose to live in for the rest of ur life if you had to choose?
How are things between Russia🇷🇺 and Suriname🇸🇷
Thinking of Moving to the Caribbean - Looking for Advice, Job Leads, and Local Insights!🌴
What do you think about implementing nuclear power in the Caribbean region?
The Top 10 Wealthiest Countries in the Caribbean, GDP per Capita.
Why are some people astonishing to see the Dominican Republic growing economically?
Jiangsu Grand Theater, Nanjing
The Most Developed Countries in the Caribbean: First-World Nations
Significance of this country
Séoul, South Korea [OC]
Foreigners really be getting on my last nerve
Expats Will Always Be Worse Than Immigrants
Which Language Will Help Suriname Develop Economically?
Afro Caribbeans Only: How Do You Guys Feel About White People Moving To Your Country And Seeking Out Other White People Specifically?
Aussies in Barbados
"Dialects from coast to coast have the same amount of variance as [European] languages"
The Contradiction of White Communists in Settler-Colonial Countries
Caribbean Countries with Safe Tap Water:
San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic 🇩🇴