Might have catched HIV [V2]
Nicki Minaj running the club circuit during her mixtape days.
I should’ve powered this mf, I thought I did 😂
For those who moved from the south to NY/NJ, what’s one thing you miss?
DFFsports Demon, ALT & Goblin Boards (3/8)
New McDonald’s play area for children…
Have you ever asked a homophobe as to why gay people bother them so much? what was their response?
Demon sheet for 3/7 🔥
I don’t know how the passengers on 9/11 flights were so composed to make phone calls/be rational?
Requesting r/phatassbutts due to ban for no mods
RHOA S16 Sneak Peek: Newbie Brit claims she went on a date with Porsha’s ex husband Dennis and how she was a video vixen in high school
Teachers of Reddit, what has a student done to you to make you want them removed from your classroom?
This is so insane to me 😭
But y’all okay for your 13 year old sister at the time to get it smh
What’s the most outrageous or embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in bed that you’d never admit to your best friend?
What type of porn do you enjoy the most?
1.5 years no contact, suicidal and hopeless
How morally bad is it to bounce off ideas with ChatGPT?
Post game thread - KAT needs more minutes
This can't keep happening....
I lived with a pedophile who had been downloading CP for at least 15 years; I knew nothing. AMA
What is the most disgusting thing you’ve seen someone do while intoxicated?
Again I am tired of being black always made to feel ugly or just be a fetish. Don't you get sick of feeling like so ugly because of being as black gay men ?