nvim becomes extremely slow when open large single line file
Unflatten / pretty format lua table
Trials of Tav: some thoughts after few days of playing
Trials of Tav - a roguelike mode
How interested are you in a endless combat mode
Finally finished my Shadowheart cosplay (ft. Boo)
What would you prefer for Lutris: a port to GTK4 or a port to QT?
best way to remove things from qflist
How do you optimise your yank/paste workflow?
How to add a language support to Neovim
Search and replace words in projects
There is no force in this world that would make me use Vim
How to detect extremely long text in current buffer?
What is the future of PHP
Livewire isn’t there yet
i just recovered my bricked system and it feels good
Plasma 6.0 has been released. Check out the new overview, improved colour management, a cleaner theme, more effects, better overall performance, and much more.
Every Vaseraga main in a nutshell:
Any time Vyrn speaks.
Why my neovim is so lagging when typing at insert mode
Quick Panel is slow/laggy since One UI 6 update
Is this a dead pixel? If so what do I do
Laptop CPU running 100% on idle, should I just factory reset this shit
VS Code-like "expand selection" via Treesitter