I don't follow the news either :(
My hometown
Don't say "No you"
Lay off me
Gotcha binch!!!
My mind works different
They are all powerful
You questions must be answered Boromir
then, what are we waiting for
Sometimes, my brain goes to another dimension. Just not a higher one.
His wife says he never bought her flowers
Who wants to help me?
lol this is so true
probably better than the mcu
autocorrect realy tried to fight me when i was making this
My new "Where is Wally?" poster
Wheres the money
killing npcs < the whole city
💀 🥵 this how people use emojis right?
Best comment gets DMd a picture of a croissant
real (ImNotAClosetedTransISwear)
I’m participating as well. Let’s see how this goes
Every time