Dumbest shit you’ve done? I just drove this motherfucker from Paleto Bay to Casino
Does anybody know what this NC security guard is looking out for *with a flashlight* in a well-lit garage?
what’s the first thing you wanna do?
what is your addiction?
Can’t exchange donut for any other coins. It says the gas fees aren’t able to be determined. Any ideas how to swap out?
Picked up some tasty Mshare at 975 this AM
funny video
Dumb question about Oasis
Newb question on MMO-Cro Vault
Live Male Chicks in a garbage bag about to be disposed.
Twin Sisters Marry Twin Brothers—and Move into the Same House
Was McAfee Q?
HCG treatment post vasectomy
For those who inject Test, how long would you say it takes for you to feel peak effects, if any?
Oklahoma County Jail hostage situation. Currently still developing.
WE are Preparing a Class Action LAWSUIT against Robinhood!
Stop The Steal Group Was Originally Started By Roger Stone-Connected PAC In 2016, Report Finds
Shot meter and passing icons not showing even when enabled?
My first coral ever! Will it grow onto the rock from here?
Trump support is less important than ethnic antagonism in explaining anti-democratic views among Republicans
Anyone else waiting for a Red Sea tank? How long does it take to get one these days?
Banned for hate speech.
Was Kyle Rittenhouse acting (morally) in self-defense?
IMO, the message is as nuanced as the subject.