i followed the trend of remaking princess peach and made this, hope yall like it
Best Part of Any Mario Game of all time?
If Nightmare Springtrap was in FNAF 4, how would he function?
Best mega Man song of all time?
Who should the Next Mega Man Rep for Smash Be?
What's everyone's thoughts on Pyra/Mythra in general?
Which Nintendon't characters are most likely to be cut next time?
If there was a massive death match between every robot master who’s ever been alive, who would come out on top?
Best Mega Man X non-main character?
Instead of sigma, who should have been the final boss of Each X game?
Best and worst robot masters from every game?
Any fans of Rockman 5?
Can we agree MegamanX4 was the last good X game?
If Zero suddenly appears in our world, how thin are our chances of survival?
Who would you replace the question mark with?
I remember back in 2018, when Mega Man 11 was released, it made the community buzz again and many Fans created amazing works to celebrate...
Man antagonist?
Why/how did Wily get roboenza?
New fan: I just beat Megaman 3 for the first time without save states or cheats and I feel super happy! Am I equipped to play the rest of the series?
Do kids and teenagers still care about MegaMan?
Whoa, WHAT?
Best and Worst Maverick from every game?
Fans are something else when it comes to Zero's romantic partners…
what game do you think had the weakest Maverick roster?
What unpopular opinion got you like this in the Punch-Out!! community? (unrelated body text)