Nunu mid?
I wont lie i laughed so hard at this short from the way the tapping noises get faster and faster.
What are the CRAZIEST champion picks and why?
Volibear q/w aa reset optimal dps
Is this normal for a giant sized egg lmao
She pressed W then boom.
This makes me happy
IRL Volibear
How did Valor lose to Chen?
This champ is the biggest “F You” to assassins ever
Finally cleared Lissandra 16 times
Who is the most Gigachad top lane?
Easy-ish champs with a lot of skill expression?
You vs. Dead Space
Was Nunu's E always a laser in URF?
Just got dead space remake, anything I need to know I’m going in blind so please no spoilers
Champs who beat darius early?
Respecting Fuwamoco's wishes
Do you guys have a Matchup Bible?
I added the few matchups we didn't originally have at the end of the list, idk if I forgot any other niche top pick. Anyway today's matchup is mr. Volibear ! Thankfully we're almost done with the aids matchups
Illaoi Nerfs Miss the Mark - Here’s What Should Be Changed Instead
Patch 14.22 Illaoi Nerfs Miss the Mark - Here’s What Should Be Changed Instead
Adding this card must be an inside joke at this point
Can mastery go to PoC?
Most fun champion
Top lane champ pool to go with Darius