Look at that neck
of a neck
Drawing ur game characters
Can someone crop out the lady behind my son please?
Seriously? $160!?
it’s a jeff dance party and we’re all invited
Hero win rates as usage for S1 has been published!
Watching a stream with 6k viewers where top100 players in a 3man stack destroying silver lobbies while whole chat is lmao'ing is a clear sign for a healthy future of this game.
All the Official Valentineon Cards to send that special someone.
There should be some kind of stat for deployables shot
Should Rivals be following suit?
Magneto ult - when and how to use it ?
I need suggestions for a build
Super excited to get this bad boy MK IV to the range!
Tired of the "it's QP" excuse
This needs to be said
Tell me again how Squirrel Girl takes no skill after watching me masterfully snipe an Ironman out of the air on purpose
So basically i have a collection of characters with durags and I don’t know what to do with them
Thank you NetEase for adding characters I can play
Day 2: SR-71 Blackbird. Now it’s your turn
please help what is this??
What is this?
Need to settle an argument. Is this a Spider or is it Stitch from Lilo and Stitch?
Saw this post and thought of this sub:
I got bit by a cat
Daughter wanted this for her sandwiches and said 'car'