With Legion Remix coming this year are you for or against of Mage Tower artifact appearances possible return?
This is a joke right? How can this trinket be so bad? Wasted delver's bounty....
Duel class dream, mine is paladin/demon hunter. What would you want?
Who is the most badass character in WOW to you?
What is with guilds these days?
If you were/are solo player, what is the one best all around class to dedicate your time to?
Race popularity player data- Y’all actually like dragons.
What portion of content do you not partake in at all?
If you could settle down anywhere in Azeroth, where would it be?
Why is this community so toxic?
Would you be mad if they put the Grove Warden in the Trading Post? I missed out on it, and I'd do just about anything to get my hands on it!
Class Popularity Rankings by Player Data- Y'all really don't like dragons...
BROTHER blizzard need to do something about the Pug LFG raids is like that almost all day
f19 I wanna know who is viewing my nudes! are you younger or older than me?
Are ya’ll ready for that general strike yet?
At This Point Transmog Restrictions Based On Armor Type Is A Bit Silly
What if we're living in a brain cell of another creature?
The madness is present from the beginning to the end of the video
I got agent 47
So I’m gassing up at the Sunoco and I see a man vacuuming his head…..why?
As a ranged main who is trying alt melee's...How do people play melee?
Darth Chill Nuggets
The wait of the world
Instead of dungeons you want to see in the M+ pool, what about dungeons you don’t want to see?
Who would you follow into a battle?