Life sucks being sober
what drug do you absolutely miss the most
Do y’all think k is euphoric?
What kind of gun is Jace holdin in this pic
Honestly cocaine is the lamest drug ever
How many pills ?? Close answer get .
Got some script oxy 5mg not a big opiate guy do I gotta take multiple?
Frt on m&p sport 3?
Race cars chemistry sompound id not good qualities at the had before. Like.justlkk talk every shop now
Safe RCs like bromazolam?
Anybody got from tc before in clearnet
Can I use hoppes #9 on my m&p sport 3 ar 15 and or ak
Bromaz from Rh
What kind of muzzle device is this kid boogalooing with?
Am I better off continuing an avizafone taper? Or switching to a shorter HL benzo & taper from there?
My school has random drug tests.
Soma vs benzos
what brand does this look like?
Who else believes phenibut is the best feel substance of all time excluding psychedelics?
Dairyland Defense?
Where to buy FRT
Is this still safe to eat? Should I be concerned? It still has 1 day till it expires.
bromaz from RC
these hoes straight?