Hives and incisions 5 days PO
What does my fridge say about me?
How did you feel after a pelvic mri with contrast?
The flu traumatized me forever
Period so light pink
I had a huge clear transparent substance come out of my vagina, what could it be?
I can’t fart and it’s causing me to have excruciating stomach pains
Sudden excruciating pelvic pain when moving/standing/walking???
Toddler is addicted to Zarbees
Getting toddler to take Zarbee’s?
Pelvic pain Vs cramps?
Most peaceful place in San Diego?
Avoiding a Pap Smear
Orgasm in your sleep?
MRI recent diagnoses
$140 Target haul and I’ll make this last me close to 2 weeks. I live in a Chicago suburb.
Feeling overwhelmed
Does anyone have more pain when NOT on your period?
Diagnosed today..what should I know?
It got worse and I reported the doctor
what shampoo/body wash do you use for your toddler?
What are some less common symptoms of hypertonic pelvic floor you experience?
Fatigue on days of ovulation or 1 week before period?
Did you ladies ever had complex cysts that went away on their own???