Desperately in need of more pics of your huskies straight up cheesin’, please and thank you!
Should I bring my cat with me when I move out?
A few pictures of my FL5
Monster giveaway my wife won
My best friend of 14.5 years said goodbye today
Today on our daily walk
I got this really weird messed up Dorito
Current mileage
Whats your husky’s weight? My 9 month old long-fur female puppy weight 18kg (38ibs), but i can feel her ribs and spine very well. Is that normal or is she too skinny?
Randomly Paralyzed Husky (pls keep her in your thoughts)
Chrome or black emblem
Got this for 370INR = $4.31. How much does this cost in your country?
Got this in a pack of 24 at Sam’s should I still drink it
This flavour really surprised me
25M, dormitory life
siberian huskies have the best smiles
She is perfect... 😍
Why do I keep buying black cars?
What suits me better?
Went through a divorce….credit got ruined bought a house fur 1400$
Which one do you like the most?
Bangs or no bangs??
I finally did it