The toon needs more Greggs opening up
New Pickups: First Clone purchase ever
This is sort of a follow up to yesterday’s post. These are my individual album rankings of my top 10 favourite bee gees albums
I Smell Expensive But My Bank Account Says Otherwise ....Kinda?....🤑🔥 (Multi frag review)
What is the worst perfume you have ever smelled ??
Does anybody know the outcome of THAT Chinawhite incident from 2022?
I fucking did it
What's a good aftershave for a soon to be 13 year old boy?
Bored to Death with Skiba & Tom (via Gear.182)
New Metros are not a good design
Small wedding reception place?
how does everyone tone down their accents abroad?
Homie saved that man's life. (gun)
I find myself coming back to this banger more and more lately
splurged a bit since all proceeds would be donated
Severance Wave
Just finished Sopranos for the first time
Sequel to “What’s My Age Again?” 40+ edition
Looking for lunch and dinner options for a solo traveller.
Best performing Lemon heavy fragrance recommendations?
Wednesday Whinge - Stagecoach Drivers and their hardons for emergency stops!
Caption Contest
What’s the one game in your Steam library you always go back to and why?
Wow I had no idea!
Stuck in an elevator with them, what do you do first?