It is impossible to ______
Do you consider 3 years to be a long time?
Warning: ______!
Oh no! My ____ is gone!
You can spawn forks.
You can unstub your toe by apologizing to the object
You can make bananas float
You can tickle people through telekenesis
You can attach objects to other objects with infinitely strong, unbreakable glue
You can make anyones body parts fall off
You can go inside mirrors and take the reflections of objects back out
You can turn any animal into liquid and drink it to get 1% faster (stackable)
You can go back in time 1 second with a 1 second cooldown
If you could REMOVE one spike from any level, what would it be?
You can spawn a lego in front of people and they will step on it at the perfect angle to cause a lot of pain.
You can read minds 3 days in the past
If at least 3 people genuinely believe that you can do something, you gain the ability to do that thing
kill me.......
How many digits of pi do you remember?
I measured the exact player movement speed (might be useful to some people)
The song just restarts from wherever I start it, so it makes it difficult to make gameplay sync
Which akumatized villian is your favourite?
How many unnamed levels do you have? I'll go first:
You can turn people into grilled cheese
The worst she can say is ___, right?