Millionaire mindset
Advice Needed: BBB Destination Wedding Venue
She only supports herself
Wow factor venues - $150k for 150 guests
New post to Trashly’s Fan Account
Any guesses on her plan?!
Venue Recommendations!
“Oh no, I’ll have to buy a new one.”
Who said it!?😂
It’s so puzzling why these two think they’re info guru’s. Every podcast is the same.
How many sofas has Ashley had in the movie room? Is she actually on the fourth now?
I’m pretty sure that they’re at a hotel/resort in Laguna Beach, The Ranch. $500+ a night.
ArrowsandBowSnark up to 1132 📈! Assley and Kinky Petrone:📉 - what was the last straw that brought y’all? What would make you go back?
So the gifts they gave to their employees was a mug and a loaf of bread! Brooke gave handmade heart ornaments.
Was this re-wear like she said she was going to do or is it a new dress?
Do they realize how creepy/awful they look?
Girl, put some pants on! This time Dino is actually the one wearing more clothes..🤯
Kenneth Copeland vibes
Bye bye 🌈, hello more Assley 🍑 painting videos…she could have stopped with Foxy, we got the drift.
How to Drag someone the Sweet Christian Way 101 (top box)….PLUS, I need a Translation (bottom text box).
Why does she call them servants?
New shoes!! Suckers.
Ugh. This room! What is she thinking? Checks, herringbone, dark walls???