Day 4, look who is online already
can we win?
Should Gerwyn Price rank higher in the All Timer debates?
New Tourcard Holder - Ask me anything
What’s a juice wrld song that you can listen to on repeat forever and it wouldn’t get old
If you could invent a brand-new dart product, what would it be?
Who is your favourite player or least favourite player?
What’s the most steps you’ve hit in a day?
Am i holding my darts weird?
Other than juice who else to you like?
I have nothing to do
Wat doen mensen in het weekend?
TPNE has been out for a while now what song do you keep going back too
Weekend vraagstuk: Wat zijn jouw plannen/ doelen voor 2025 mbt hardlopen?
Need some advice on time management
Why is there a hole in my inner tube?
What juicewrld song can i sing on a school concert?
What do you guys think of Fall Out Boy being on the song Best Friend?
Do people shower with their garmin??
Tpne top 50 voted songs
What is a respectably long ride
Who is this dude? (Wrong answers only)
most underrated project
What do yall think about Bankroll Hayden?
Riding zwift without watt pedals or a smart trainer.