Which is the safest/best city in Build 42?
MC prank at least made them laugh
Audience member thinks he's the MC and tries to save Jesus
pretend youre a 14y old sigma germaniy car germsy in the comments
What the fuck is going on in Syria?
Alawet civilians getting final blow by syrian HTS
average man desires starter pack
Sectarian cleansing in Syria
is wearing protected clothing necessarily better?
Quais são os critérios para os mods deletarem um post sem motivo? Não faz sentido a maioria dar upvote e gostar do conteúdo, e um mod simplesmente removê-lo porque *ele* não gostou
Peidar em multidões é muito satisfatório
Enjoy the Peace When You Can. It Only Takes One Bite.
Acho que ele não gostou
In light of recent events
qual tem a melhor skin?
Deveria ser obrigatório ter aulas de primeiros-socorros nas escolas
Odeio o capitalismo.
Some Are Known Far Less Than They Should
Choose your side
Main Character in Germany is upset at a woman not wearing a hijab
What was it like to start learning to model?
Bateu a brisa
Bostileiro exportando "cultura" no Japão...