What's your opinion about liquid/drinking noises on audiodramas?
Why are Neanderthals considered a different species, but races aren’t?
Where are you supposed to stare when someone is screaming/lecturing you?
What is a legendary Reddit post or comment that still sticks with you?
Do your parents know the real you or are you just pretending to be who they want you to be?
Favourite profile I’ve ever come across
My objectively correct opinion on European countries
How do people work the same job 9 to 5 for 50 years till they turn 60s and not go crazy?
Anything I gotta know before jumping in to the Tuesday trophy?
Struggling with feelings about my gf's past—how do I handle this constructively?
Looks like we have some news.
What popular dish uses ingredients from such far apart regions that it wouldn’t be possible to recreate without our modern technology and means of transport?
Opinion on this takedown, staged or legitimate?
Why Am I Always Drawn to Women with Psychological Issues ? I am 22y male
Will the Big Dog continue to Woof-Woof in 2025?
Never been to a gym before, only been on the heavy bag for around 2 months. I play college soccer and use kickboxing as a hobby.
MBMBAM 744: The Naming of 2025 Recap
If it was acceptable to be naked wherever you wanted. Would you? If not why not?
Genuinely who is buying this
The Adventure Zone: Abnimals Ep. 12: Loose Eel!
Hey guys I have to get back to this jerk 1 year later
AITA for putting up a "Do not clean." sign in English and Spanish for cleaners that were coming to the house whose racial and cultural identity I was not made aware of?
The Adventure Zone: Abnimals Ep. 11: Warehouse Wipeout!
Honestly, it's hard to tell which ads are for real podcasts
You to have to have sex with the main character of the last show you watched. How’s it go?