Nothing improves your tones like a $600 Leica bear
My analog collection
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Best camera to bring at a party?
New condition grade just dropped!
Inside of a decaying brewery
Spice advice
What Film Stock Should I Get?
Imagine shooting Portra 800 just to make it black and white
Every time someone talks about the Leica Look, I buy another Zorki
My 7 year old is starting to scare me.
How do we feel about a Mac n cheese burrito?
Found photos of the ‘burbs in the 60’s
Minolta dynax 9 what lens
Nikon F100 won’t advance film past 1.
The Analog antichrist has risen
Help me name my new little void! (F) Witchy names preferred
Best caption wins
Is film vegan?
more pussy shooters
Top tier combo
Somebody got a problem with the way casual-erotic (aka normal) photographers behave?
Do only old voids have white hairs?
My void checking the bath is safe
Sitting on the couch, minding my own business…