1/2 Ashkenazi, 1/4 Korean, 1/4 Scottish Results
Updated Palestinian + British result plus photo
British-Palestinian Results in! Myheritage misread as 40% Italian/Greek
Is it okay for Ashkenazim to wear a Hamza and/or Evil Eye?
Haaretz subscription
Israelis and Palestinians are the same people
My distance to medieval Jews (Norwich & Erfurt)
Thoughts? They change a lot depending on the light!
DNA results for half Lebanese / half English-Irish. Somehow my highest % genetic similarity is to Italians
Palestinian/British result
Palestinian dad, American (from Britain) mom.
Palestinian + French
Half Palestinian and half European. Any thoughts or commentary? I’d love to hear! I’m a bit surprised by parts of the results and would love some historical insight if anyone has it. (Had to repost because I accidentally showed info that I’d prefer to keep private on my last post)
Half Palestinian, half British- strange results, very Italian. MyHeritage v Gedmatch
Palestinian/British MyHeritage v Gedmatch