Does anyone else feel really bad for Jeff?
why does pam talk about Leslie like that
Cam & Jodie storyline idea
Anyone else get second hand embarrassment watching Craig's testimony?
Can we quit the "if they were women they'd be out now" narrative? It's likely untrue and it's certainly unhelpful.
Women taking pictures bad
Am I alone in thinking this way?
You do not technically have to work out to lose weight, but you definitely should
Furniture/home shops for people with low income?
People says the end doesn't justify the means. The devil can guarantee cure for all diseases but you have to send a random person to hell to be tortured for eternity. Will you agree to it?
A cool guide of words saying to kids instead of saying "Be careful!"
Why can’t people have this energy for the brothers?
DAE find it odd or wonder why some people use “my” instead of “our”
DAE get irritated with other people watching shorts next to them?
Daily idiom: bite the bullet
Do you guys do the Rapid review/Match madness every unit?
Why was literally everybody and they mama on Malcom in the Middle?
Is there a polite way to let someone know that you're not interested in what they're talking about?
How many young people here have actually read the Bible?
Parenting isn't easy. It never was.
ugh women bad ooga booga
Is it a sin?
People who say "humans are not meant to be monogamous" when it's one of the few human universals across every culture with some very rare exceptions
i would be terrified if i actually lived in a world created by yahweh (christian god)
in 2077 I follow the traffic code/law, even horn in the traffic jams... That's part of how I play the game, I roleplay a lot. I even customize the character as I upgrade things. Do you roleplay too?