Looking for a TV show similar to How I Met Your Mother
3 Days in Cannes accreditation tips
How many times have you watched How I Met Your Mother? I'm on my 7th rewatch of all 9 seasons—am I crazy, or is this normal?
What a beautiful and meaningful scene that showcases Ted’s big step to finally get over Robin, I hope it doesn’t get ruined by the last 10 minutes of the show or something
PhD in the US after PhD in my country
So do people really get too drunk at prospective student days?
What is your opinion on “The Robin”
Unpopular Opinion: Not a fan of the Mother
3 Days in Cannes
Got 2 interviews and 8 rejections (4 of them in a single day) Please roast my CV
One more thought about Barney
How old are you?
Second Application cycle with zero interviews
Can anyone please tell me which PhD or Master's programs in the humanities still have open deadlines in the US, Canada, Europe, or Australia? If anyone knows… I'm desperate because it feels like I’m missing out on this application cycle.
Just to make sure I’m getting this right—some people can get into the same program with an interview, while others can get in without one? Or is that just a bunch of fake stories?
grad school or going insane
Slavic Studies PhDs
Slavic Languages and Literatures