Am I wrong?
For those who is still consistently not able to WIN. I will add some description on step 5 (This will change how you play the gamemode).
Which mode(s) you really want to get removed from the game (Or only from Squad League)
Epic comeback after almost losing
Almost at 50k power points. How many do you all have?
Wait so we have 10 less days than normal to push ranked this season?
Apparently it's fair to put someone who will face bots every single time in the same contest as people who has to sweat against real players
Big L for supercell
I can't believe you fall into the same category as the bad randoms Kairos
Proof that Chuck now responds with however much super he charged before he died
Brawl Stars gods really wants me to upgrade Edgar
Brawl Stars really wants me to upgrade Edgar right now
The Brawl Stars gods really want me to upgrade Edgar right now
Chuck now respawns with a fully charged super, regardless of how much super charge he had
What do I even save this for?
Managed to get the ranked skin without playing ranked lol
Behind the scenes for the Kit pick in World Finals
So I have this friend
They need to remove the “%” typo quickly
How did I manage to survive that
So this happened
You tell me how is it deserved
Maisie's star power increases her super charge/hypercharge rate