Name a video games that everyone seems to hate except you
Who wins
Can your favorite character defeat my favorite characters?
What does your favourite Hero/Villain think of Wolverine? (Some examples)
[Marvel] How effective would Curt Connors Lizard Serum be if weaponized by the government? And if it has how did it go?
[Robot Monster] What exactly are the Ro-Men?
What is your favourite Guilty Pleasure movie? My pick is Robot Monster (1953)
What is your favourite film you’ve watched in 2025 so far(that you hadn’t seen before)
Do you still use IMDb alongside Letterboxd, or has it taken a backseat? No hate, just genuinely curious about how others feel!
What's y'all favourite black and white movie
Now that we have all of the colours. Who is the overall winner if they all fought each other?
Average Frieza Vs Sun Wukong matches be like
What does The Deep actually do?
Who in your opinion is Batman's worst/least interesting villain from he's more popular roughs gallery? My pick would be Firefly
How it fells like being the only Goro main (also fuck Toph's ult)
Who else could have a 2 man show or movie like these two in marvel?
Ok I'm bored so, who are your favorite and least favorite marvel youtubers?
Who wins between The Off Screen King and Queen?
What is the most powerful character for the colour?: Tan
What is the most powerful character for the colour?: Dark Blue
Okay the Reed disrespect is getting crazy
Okay the Reed disrepect is getting Crazy
Which out of the 3 teams win?
While reviewing a critically acclaimed movie