Saree Pikachu raid fc 4725 6973 1614, probably the last one. Pls be online.
Saree Pikachu raid invite, I'm hosting raids for next 4 hours. Pls dm and check the comments.
No Pikachu raids in last 2 hours
Hi all, New invite fc 0225 7681 5139, pls comment your ign
Hi all, New invite fc 0225 7681 5139, pls add and comment your ign saree Pikachu
Saree Pikachu raid invite fc 4568 5458 2484, inviting 30 players. Pls dm if you miss the invite
Hi all, New invite fc 0225 7681 5139, pls add and comment your ign
Saree Pikachu raid invite, I'm hosting raids for next 4 hours. Pls join here
Hi all,If you haven't gotten the invite yet, pls comment here. I'll make sure to invite in the next one
Hi all, Im using alt account Please send request. Pikachu raid invite fc 4658 5458 2484
Please Add me for Saree Pikachu 🙏
Pikachu raid invite fc 0962 5335 5028
Pikachu new raid invite fc 9999 7231 4239.
Saree Pikachu raid invite, pls check comments
Saree Pikachu raid invite
Saree pikachu raids
Saree Pikachu raid invite fc 6654 4930 5800, inviting 50 players. Dm if you miss the invite
Hosting new raid for 20 minutes, fc 9999 7231 4239
New raid invite fc 6654 4930 5800, pls comment
Hosting Pikachu raid for 30 minutes fc 0083 3312 6201
Saree Pikachu raid invite fc 6848 0255 7320, inviting 50 players. Dm if you miss the invite
Pikachu raid invite fc 6654 4930 5800,
Saree Pikachu raid invite, fc 3880 3544 9369, dm if you need more raid invites