Not minding his own business
What annoys you in your house
Working from home rant
Beste lunch spots in Gent
What distance do you cycle from home to work?
Propere pierkes / mooimakers: advies over vuilzakken nodig
what pisses off belgian people?
Onze stad is een film.
Heeft nog iemand dat geluid gehoord om 7u deze ochtend (Rabot)? Leek op de scheepshoorn van een boot...
Who is responsible for the biggest problem you're dealing with right now?
Morocha, day one (she is now 6 y/o)
When you hand strip your dog but not all at once. 😅
How many wisdom teeth do you have?
Why is the air quality index so bad?
Please tell me the adolescence phase gets better soon..
You shouldn’t call yourself an 80/90’s kid if you don’t remember growing up during that decade.
Job met 3 dagen thuiswerk: bestaat dat?
Maandelijkse afbetaling lening
Any plant based fine dining restaurants in Gent? It has to be luxury fine dining not a regular restaurant
How do you pronounce the letter “H”?
Onbekende fietst mee in mijn wiel
Day 4: Place to avoid
How do you feel about your job?