Thought this video might be of interest to some people :)
Will there ever be a Stanley parable 2?
What are some games you see people 100% and are like “Damn, how?!”
Keys Temporarily Exhausted (Complaint or Question i guess)
I am having such a hard decision right now thanks to the youtube end-screen. Should I watch blank void, blank void, or IHE?
I am developing a Steam Achievement Guide Browser Extension – feedback welcome!
Is it morally okay to cheat in broken achievements? [Question]
Apparently you can fake the time how long you've played a game? Would explain how some obvious cheaters have 1k+ hours on record.
Need Copyright Free Music
What are people's thoughts on the Geometry Creator acheivement on Steam? Mostly out of curiosity
Unibuddy name
What’s that one movie for you?
How do I play SD under my blanket without blocking the top vents?
Are they for real?
Why do many writers have little resistance to AI writing?
I'm surprised Furiosa isn't catching anywhere nearly as much flack as Late Night with the Devil did for using AI.
yall remember this post i made a year ago? how many of you that signed never killed a pig again? 👹🐷
Which movie has the most sensitive fandom that you can’t state your differing opinion without being lynched?
where did you get your names from? i’ll start
how many sexes unofficial part 2 1.2.3. GO!!!!
anyone who comments, likes, or even views this post agrees to stop simping (simps if you read this you agree)
My friend just discovered custom steam logos and I just can't-
My shortfilms were removed from TMDb (and therefore letterboxd) and I'm rather upset
Harry *really* loves this jacket...