This game would be the best batman game if it had less batmobile action.
Starting a 5th (?) playthrough of this preposterously beautiful game. Nothing comes that close for me, not even RDR2 which is remarkable in its own right
Seriously talking, why do men cheat
How to answer "Why pick Triss over Yen?" in The Witcher 3 - From The Witcher: Sirens of the deep
How the W4 trailer was created and how much it represents the actual game. I found some interesting information (I marked it in yellow so no one would miss it)
What does the word عميق mean?
How to answer "Why pick Triss over Yen?" - From The Witcher: Sirens of the deep
What do you think about Roach?
My psylocke cosplay!
Algerian gamers community! What are your currently favourites?
peoples who say that yennayer is haram
Why do algerians act so racist with people from different religions??
Can’t help but wonder, how differently would Origins Batman have dealt with the events of Arkham Knight?
Roman used media as warfare. Please don't tell a Roy what to do...
I love these games dear to my heart but must I say… I fucking hate these platinums with everything inside of me
Was Bane in his prime in Arkham Origins?
« A Thing » is coming !
Witcher 4 reveal trailer: Explaining to my own brain why it was good!
Relying on The Witcher 3 (mostly) to argue why the future of the games is going to be good!