What would happen in a interaction between these two
New total drama season just dropped. Who do you think is gonna win?
Meanwhile in an alternate dimension (part10)
What's the most random ship you can come up with?
Thoughts on Mr Coconuts elimination? (Very tragic...)
Jude from 6teen in the total drama art style (attempt)
Giving your avatars theme songs/boss themes
Who did it better?
Oh my god. OH MY god. OH MY GOD. NO.
Drew Gwen, Courtney and LeShawna poorly
favourite songs? my favourite is genes when he’s left alone, gets stuck in my head everytime!
Who’s your favorite character of Total Drama, and why?
I'm screaming 😭🤚
Give me your goofiest td images
I wanna get a spongebob cosplay but I can't decide which version
can someone draw my avi i wanna see how it would look lol
Post your cosplay avatar and then let people guess where it's from. I'll go first;
lemme see ur most unique avi
hey guys do you know where i can find the chaos emeralds
reminder this channel exists
Giving you guys songs from my playlist based on your avatars part 2 (image unrelated)
Is this a flex?
custom oc, do not steal! or u get permaban 😫😫😫😳😳😭😭😭🤨🤨🤨😓😓😖😖😥😥😥😞😞👿👿 name :prainry gender: male sexuality: lesbian age: what come after 2? she an apha wolf and her clan hekps her with the haters when she need it 💇♀️💇♀️💇♀️💇♀️
On this day, zanta claws 3 turns 14
Name a character no one can make you hate