Cam someone help me with my ollie?
Gan Cubes = Best Cubes
How fast can you solve 3x3x3 (my personal best is 0:26)
11 year old has read all the books and seen the golden compass film, can he see the show?
Tell me your main and I'll rate it /10
Yiheng casually getting 4.70 WB ao100 and 4.41 WB ao12
United States flag in Lyra's universe
The WCA are looking at adding new official events!
What do you think of the actors in the golden compass compared to the ones in his dark materials?
I am sub 25s with lbl on 3x3 and i feel stuck with learning f2l
When was the first smartcubes relaesed?
FInally got sub 20!
What do I put here? I've been struggling with setting up my name and stuff on cubestation for months now
Super oily hair super fast
BREAKING CAT NEWS: pet cat Astra now holds the world record of solving the Pyraminx with a time of 0.43!
How fast should I be to make round 2 of 3x3?
How old is everyone here? Just curious and would like to take a poll. I'm 43.
9.62 Ao.100 using Full 1LLL.
Collection Sept 2024!!
She called me over and asked if this is a +2. How do I not break her heart?
Any tips on learning the Gperms? I have no idea how to learn them and actually remember them.
When do you think a sub 4 average will happen?
Yiheng Wang 4.09 3x3 World Record Average
What should I expect at my first comp? I'm genuinely scared I'm going to embarrass myself lol
Kpop idols nicknames (using their name, not the "4th gen it girl" type) aren't appreciated enough