Imagine being that good, prime MSN does everything in their power to stop you 💀
What did Bo do to Bro
satisfying unexpected win
What is the best ultra or better you have gotten from a star chest?
Duration Of New Squad UPdate: 6.03
Character Tier List based on viability in Doppelgangers
Did anyone else peep these new troop leaks?!
Maxed Theo Hernandez
How many matches do you have to play to unlock all four special players?
Maxed 97 Rodri (+11)
These are how legend cards work
New 82 Ronaldo card
Some Legend Player at the moment, what is your must have ?
What's your favourite unit in squad busters?
Has anybody ever achieved this?
Which do I Buy with Coins. Don’t try and tell me to not buy anyone I am tired of not getting characters
Who is the most Underrated Troop
My LEGO Deadpool cosplay