What song makes you say this?
do you have a song you hate because it makes you wanna cry?
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Please give me loud and fast songs
Favourite song that is the last song on the album ?
what did yall get?
Mbdhdfsgdgrsghdryd IT CAME
What are times you've been surprised to hear Weezer referenced in something, or surprised when you heard a song from them in a movie or game?
Pinkerton themed phone
Dad Rock?
what are you guys listening to today? :)
i know we all hate when this happens
You better find me
Im not actually 13
share ur fav lyric and what u think it means
Rank my 6 favorite MCR songs from your favourite to least favourite
What's a Green Day song that you love that everyone else seems to dislike?
if you could only steal one cd from my collection, which would it be?
I found another 715 no way
How Depressed are you based on what you're listening to?
Sensual,Steamy,Sultry songs
my collection!