[Hated Trope] When a villain’s motivations are too reasonable, so the writers make them do out of character immoral acts to make them seem more evil
Thoughts on this version of the Vulture?
I have noticed that J. Jonah Jameson is gone in modern adaptations.
Fictional Characters related to real people
Was there ever any explanation on how he was able to resist her rope here?
Outjerked by TT go once again
For every meme right now, the answer is: "And then he does!" The end.
Which character is this ⁉ I feel like Gwess is a good example
What character would you say was done better in the MCU than the comics
No one has better flirting moves than Johnny Storm.
Complicated evil and then just pure evil
Heroic characters who brutally murder their enemies.
This scene is so cute
They didn’t do this in the show💔I was so hyped
What style of fashion has he been wearing lately?
Today is the canonical birthday of Bruce Wayne. In your personal canons, how old is he turning today in 2025? In mine, he's 54.
Good boy vs. Do they have that dog in them
one of the unfunniest “jokes” the fandom has
Will Savage Dragon and Tech Jacket be in the show?
Got this DM, what should I do?
[Hated Tropes] Adaptations that remove all uniqueness from the characters/make them normal guys
I don’t think he likes McDonalds
Normal people who are superhuman by their world’s standards