Loki just heard about Ash's rework.
RS Ahead at RuneFest - Havenhythe, Leagues and More Revealed
Ash changes will be talked about in the upcoming Devstream, confirmed in today's devshort!
Excalibur has is rough
Is Overframe that bad?
Better start crafting Aura Formas now to prepare for the Omni Forma update.
Dual Zoren Prime Coptering - What's great and what could be better
4th Anniversary Image from Twitter
Loot from 1607 Gate of Elidinis kills - Info in comments
Marks of war???
Support frame you love to see on your team but won’t play yourself?
Would it be too much if Sorties guaranteed a built Forma?
Is the Laetum and Onos worth the effort?
This event made me realize I kinda miss Alerts.
If the code already exists, why not give it to Excal's Radial Javelin too? (Range and damage scaling with combo multiplier)
If I have to use guns to remove OG to use abilities on enemies, I'll simply stop using CC frames
Necromancy has spoilt me
Should Amascut boss encounter be locked behind desert quest series finale?
Hopefully these five will see some love in 2025. (Rework Suggestions.)
An In-Depth look as to why Exalted Weapons should get their limitations removed
Alt1 Scaling
What should Amascut drop? (Ideas/Discussion)
Done the seasonal event, dunno what else to do.
Short quest to give Kalymos to Umbra
Something bit nitpicky: Sumona hates player's pet cats due to her true identity... but seems to be OK with cat companion/follower pets?