Guess I won't need this tonight..
Was hit by another car while driving
Recommend some good atar/itar for men
When women say, back is their favourite muscle group on a guy...
Im so tired of this bs
Why don’t we hear any crimes happening here ?
Where can i buy saffron strands in Qatar?(genuine ones)
How much drinking is too much drinking?
Need help with programming due to health issue!
Karak after iftar
Breakfast kazhicho gooyz😋
Two Kerala Natives Executed For Murders In UAE, Center Informs Families
What’s the best car to get under 15k ?
Is this plate healthy?
Could you identify the watch ?
A tale of two crows - Or - the parallel worlds we all live in.
What’s on your wrist today?
Is training 5 consecutive days per week (M-F) equally fatiguing as doing it with a rest day in the middle?
How do i get my forearms and to be bigger?
Protein packed lunch
Is eating 30g soya chunks daily safe if I already have gyno?
Folks, good News!!
Hater really working hard for attentions 🤡
He’s getting married but wanted to see me one last time. I wish nothing but misery for him.
Is there any chaya premi here?