Any love for Cetme's?
My B-grade SMLE from the goat shed came in
Wish me luck!
Quarterly wipe down, Battle Rifles Semi Auto’s
Un-Bubba of a 1956 Lithgow SMLE
RTI Grade C Hakim redux
RTI Hakim
Best way to remove old varnish?
Bought a Arisaka Type 99 today and after getting it home I realized it’s really short… is this a really well done Bubba job or is it some kinda weird model?
Ammo experts?
RTI B grade No5 Mk1
No1 Mk3 chopped and converted to 7.62x39
RTI Hakim Limited Edition Boom Stick
Unknown No 4 Mk 1
Home Refinishing
Taking a RTIgamble.
What was your first milsurp firearm(s) that you have shot?
RTI clearance Lee Enfield No4 Mk1 Before and After clean up
RTI clearance No4 Mk1 before and after clean up
1907 Colt New Army 32-20
Another $150 RTI Special
RTI M1 (someone had to buy it)
Thought I was the only one into squirrel hunting
Need help identifying a Lee Enfield.