A unique letter “R”?
I can’t believe this community is still doing “what does my perfume collection say about me” posts
I feel normal for one week a month. Two if I’m lucky.
9 year old son saying he hates girls. Should I be worried?
How did you permanently quit soda?
Get off my driveway!
What are some things you can't own as someone with ADHD?
Was showing my coworkers what Vine was… first thing on my RFY page did not disappoint
Is Wendigoon Natty?
Is this mold growing in my bathroom sink?
What I learned after spending $10k on new bedding
Don't you hate when this happens?
Missionary basically told me if I was more Christlike and set a better example (and had Jesus pics up) my son wouldn’t be waffling on baptism as much.
Review hijacking
Nudes anyone?
Bookshelf missing piece. Contact seller or Amazon?
Do you feel like you are an easy target for narcissistic abuse?
IDoes this ENFP-A dislike me that much? I’d really appreciate your perspectives!
I had a dream that I met wendigoon and Jesus and I asked the former for an autograph completely ignoring Jesus
what is the perfume that you are obsessed with
told chatgpt to roast our subreddit 🤓
Friends wedding in Utah
What made you lose a significant amount of weight?
Interesting setup but is there a punch line or pun or inside joke I’m missing?
Local sites to sell a desk