Looking for m+ team (3090 Rio)
PvP Comp for 3v3 need help
Cage of Carnage or Blade’s Edge Arena?
Rumor is AWC is cancelled moving forward. Would this officially cook arena?
Which PVP class has more buttons? Rogue or Lock?
I call upon the mightiest theorycrafters of reddit to help me make an unstoppable 1v1 build for warrior
The Highest-Earning Actors Of 2024 - The Rock Tops the List with $88M, Followed by Ryan Reynolds ($85M), Kevin Hart ($81M), Jerry Seinfeld ($60M), And Hugh Jackman ($50M) - Including all earnings, film salaries, & other forms of income.
Why is it possible to climb so fast?
New honors gear not available ?
Boomy and Feral
New zone is f*****g AWESOMEEEE!! THX BLIZZ
Do you have a class that you want to play but don't enjoy?
Current state of WoW community, based on my anecdotal observations. Disclaimer: this is a joke, if you prefer Classic then more power to you
Elemental Shaman got completely shafted this patch.
Balance Druid S2
Anyone else thinks Ahz Kajet was a let down?
Got the Lord of War title after dreaming of it for years!
Undermine(d) Update: Morgan Day and Katrina Yepiz Discuss the Current State of Valorstones
Should support-DPS specs be a thing?
There will never be a better cinematic to any game that beats the Battle for Azeroth cinematic.
Mist of Pandaria classic.
Low participation
All these threads talking about rewards/healer participation are maybe missing the real reason no new players want to PvP...
Searching for help on my mage
Wowlogs adding 0s