Τί πιστεύετε ότι οδήγησε εκατομμύρια Έλληνες να βγουν στους δρόμους σήμερα?
WTF is this on Genius? Who made this?
Is this diecast worth anything? I don't think I've seen it for sale since 2013 or so.
Πολύ ωραία ημέρα σήμερα στα Γιάννενα.
Έφαγαν φόλα τα γατάκια μου
Δε νομίζω να πάω στην πορεία για τα Τέμπη. Change my mind.
I tried to write a relapse type song.
look what i found in a pile of trash
holy shit is he actually going to do it
There's a song I'm trying to find. The opening verse sounds like it's from an old episode or radio show
I'm planning to get a Wii soon, but...
What can you see with an 8 inch telescope?
I like the songs.
Looking for a song
Ειναι λαθος να μην θελει καποιος να δουλευει;
Έφταξα Minecraft server για όσους ενδιαφέρεστε
I got a lion 🦁 in my pocket
Ψάχνω Nintendo 3ds
Found this sealed 2013 Cars 2 Mcqueen diecast in a random box. Is it worth anything?
As a beginner, I'm thinking about buying this telescope. I have some questions.
2D platformers vs 3D
After all these years, I finally have my very own Wii U, just modded it and ready to have a shit ton of fun!
What lenses should I get for a skywatcher 250p
First Play-through