Anyone know what this `Endless Circuit` node does?
Cloud someone explain to me what those 26% on Shock are and how do I increase it?
POE2: penetration, exposure & curses
Boss initiates out of screen + Invisible wall appears behind you + Blink fails to pass over a pebble = Oogh, I really hate this game
Archmage: Increase Lightning Damage Interaction
Probably a silly question about archmage
This effect always confuses me and makes me think the bullet is coming from the opposite direction.
Quartz in Rocky Desert
A blimp crashes into buildings in a Sao Paulo suburb in Brazil on Wednesday, Sept. 25th
Do titan shifters feel pain normally?
Dedicated Server Crash (read my comment)
Who hates their MC more?
The hero we deserve
Lock screen flicker on boot-up
We're in the endgame now
Park Mode enters the chat
Can't give permission to use Android/data
No tittle
Αν είχατε 15.000€ στην ακρη τι θα τα κάνατε ;
How and why did Cyprus give more points to Israel than Greece? Never seen this before wtf
Thanks for the clarification, red circle.
The first SORA music video
I (41F) got some merch from my favorite band only to discover my sister and I on a CD from when I was 19.
What’s the best dating app in Cyprus?